Sending an email I get back the error Message rejected due to content restrictions. What does this mean?

The error message returned to us by the smtp server of one (or more) recipients indicates the nature of the problem:

550 Message rejected due to content restrictions

this error message indicates that the body of the email contains something that is not allowed on the recipient's network, due to security settings on that specific network. The most common causes are:

1) Attachments to the email in a format that is not allowed. Ex: .exe or .eml files, sometimes even .doc, .xls files, etc.This often occurs on corporate networks with security restrictions against the spread of viruses, and in that case it is resolved by sending the attachment contained in a .zipper or .rar archive or removing the attachment completely.

2) In rare cases, it may be the text or signature content that is interpreted as spam and thus causes the email to be blocked. If this is the case, try sending the same email in such a way that it does not contain any links or inclusion of external code and images or videos or images inserted within the text.

Do you use email for business? Our Linea Pro Hosting services allow you to have business email addresses with professional features, high delivery capabilities and customizable spam filters!

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